Is anyone watching this drama?
The summary:

wrote: In this unusual story, Matsuda plays a child welfare official working at a child consultation center, while Takahashi Katsumi (50) plays a charitable yakuza boss. These two lead completely different lives, but one day, their souls are suddenly switched. As a result, Matsuda begins dispensing odd advice about the â??rules of societyâ? and other things. While his colleagues naturally see this as a problem, the children gradually come to rely on him. --Tokyograph

It seems good so far, but I would watch Matsuda read a phone book sitting alone in an empty room, lol.
i have actually read a short story about a character named Don Quixote in school...n i came here expecting it to be him..apparently not obviously wudn't hv made sense for him to be here neways :D
if you're referring to the famous spanish novel then you're not far off :) the drama is named after the main character. The idea is that the main characters in the drama are kinda like the "hero" Quixote and his sidekick fighting windmills.
yea...the short story we did was an excerpt from the spanish novel :)
I AM going to watch this, without fail! :D
First of all, there's one of my favourite actors in it (well, apart from the one who's winking at me from someone else's above avatar).;)
Matsuda Shota is so versatile, I truly love his acting - and he's delectable on top of it.
Second, the story is very intriguing. There's a soul switch - one of my favourite topics - and there's kids. Great formula, I believe.
Therefore, I'm very, very eager to start. :D
It also fits the whole "trendy drama" formula by tackling issues like child abuse and neglect. Matsuda is one of my favorite actors for a reason. He's actually a great artist, and the guy who plays the yakuza boss (Takahashi) is wonderful as well. They really were able to embody the characteristics of the other person's initial character. I'm excited and hope that the ratings pick up. It's airing at 9pm on Sundays, which is a pretty decent slot. Yay team Matsuda! hehe
raysza wrote: (well, apart from the one who's winking at me from someone else's above avatar).; avatar winks at nobody bt meeeeeeeeee mwahahahaha :P
aeron_06 wrote: i have actually read a short story about a character named Don Quixote in school...n i came here expecting it to be him..apparently not obviously wudn't hv made sense for him to be here neways :D

How l lucky were you! I had to carry the whole freaking novel (Don Quijote de la Mancha, the first part ) for half a semester when I was in the 10th grade...Then the book had seemed enormous I hated Miguel De Cervantes for a while (even though I found the idea of the story intriguing). I might watch this since it sounds like it's inspired by it.
I think I'll watch it (: It sounds good, and haha I like Matsuda Shota, too (:
So far, I like it. I love all the humanity-centered dramas, and putting a spin on it by having the characters compared to Don Quixote is a nice touch. Narumi Riko is a promising actress who I find enjoyable to watch, so that adds to my "I want to watch it" vibe.
I'm watching it, and completely loving it !!!!! I was not particularly a fan of Shota, but here he's great !
Im watching too many dramas right now, but I have it on my plan to watch list (as in, as soon as I finish one of my currently watching, and not a distant plan whatsoever... lol) I love Matsuda Shota, he is one of the few young actors I follow... XD
This is a wonderful drama! Absolutely hilarious, well acted and thought-provoking, although in a light, never melodramatic way. The kids are awesome and Shota-kun... ah, hot and talented as ever. His personal Sancho Panza is a riot and I love the references to Cervantes' novel.
I'm waiting for the next episodes with subs with impatience.
I started it because I am a fan of Matsuda Shota, but it's such a great story.
yay Lis. It's really good. <3 your avatar icon btw hehe