In the drama, Matsushima plays a mysterious housekeeper named Mita Akari, whose age is a secret and who is completely unsociable. However, she is perfect in her housework, and through her work she resolves hidden issues among the family members of the homes she is dispatched to. Despite her clientsâ?? eventual wishes to keep her as a permanent housekeeper, she always moves on to the next job, where a fresh set of domestic problems await. --Tokyograph
I love this drama. I keep wondering how the family will develop from week to week. This reminds me a little of Zenkai Girl in that one of the main characters is really hard to like, but I keep watching because of the dynamic. (Although this character isn't nearly as difficult to handle as the main character in Zenkai.) I really recommend this drama to people who enjoy complex characters. There isn't a strong love story or a lot of suspense, but I think it's interesting.
i also love this drama! a lot!!!
and the rating was awesome!in kanto,,it was 22.5% for the 5th episode!!it really is awesome for jdrama..^^

and,,what i like the most here is the father's character..
i like the idea about not loving but caring thing..^^
this looks interesting...going to add to PTW...
I was waiting for someone to talk about this, it looked interesting from the description...I'm adding it to my PTW
Yay! This show was a huge hit in the ratings and has edged its way to win most favorite drama in Japan during a recent poll. In fact, according to, Kaseifu no Mita "recorded the third best single-episode rating of all time for Japanese dramas." (emphasis added)

Check out the article: HERE
I started watching it, watched like 3 episodes so far; it's pretty intriguing and the eponymous character is just CHILLING. But the descriptions I found weren't accurate, it's really not "one family one episode" kind of thing and so I'm a bit disappointed but will watch on to see some more, because the main character really works well on the family, it's quite striking.
I'm really curious if this really as good as it's said to be. I've been following the weekly drama ratings and since these ratings skyrocketed I'm wondering if I should watch it. Because I didn't think the discription sounded that interesting... Tell me, why should I watch this? I'm really curious because of the ratings. :)
This is well worth watching in my opinion. It has a very original story although I wasn't too happy with the ending.
Unique Story. Unique CHARACTER. Such high ratings. That should sum it up for anyone to watch this drama. A must watch. You can't stumble on this kind of series often in your life.
One of my favorites, and probably the best family drama of all time.
It's a great show and sometimes quite shocking, I've found out that it was written by the same author of "Oh, Dad !" (2000) and "Dare Yori mo Mama wo Aisu" (2006), both worth watching, that are focused, like Kaseifu, on the darkest side of the average japanese families, then I think it's interesting at many levels that it has got these huge ratings.
YumeNoKaze wrote: It's a great show and sometimes quite shocking, I've found out that it was written by the same author of "Oh, Dad !" (2000) and "Dare Yori mo Mama wo Aisu" (2006), both worth watching, that are focused, like Kaseifu, on the darkest side of the average japanese families, then I think it's interesting at many levels that it has got these huge ratings.

Yeah, I plan on watching "Dare Yori mo Mama wo Aisu" soon.