cause I know we not playing this wonderful actor by not knowing her name far and wide. a kind soul in the comments shared that her name is Kokkorn Benjathikoon (กกกร เบญจาธิกุล). maybe another kind soul will be so moved to create a page for her.  google says she has been in The Iron Ladies, Iron Ladies 2, and gang chanee kap ee-eap. anyone else know anything else about her? she deserves her flowers.

I wish someone  added her to the list of actors. She's in like every episode. 

The actor has been added now 😊

 Midnight Storms:

The actor has been added now 😊

That's amazing! Thank you @Midnight Storms for doing a service to us all!

That's amazing! Thank you @Midnight Storms for doing a service to us all!

No worries, I only submitted a part of the necessary details. You were a big help in providing the details.

 Midnight Storms:

No worries, I only submitted a part of the necessary details. You were a big help in providing the details.

With our powers combined we can do great things, as they say.