So we've reached the end of another episode! 

What did you guys think? Who was your favourite from the first  round? Did you agree with the final placings? How about Pentagon's performance for the second round? And who are you anticipating the most? I look forward to hearing all your opinions :)

This is my personal ranking for the first challenge:

  1. The Boyz
  2. ONF
  3. Golden Child
  4. TOO
  5. Oneus
  6. Pentagon
  7. Verivery

First The Boyz absolutely blew my mind,  i was in complete awe for the entire performance, they definitely deserved first place, no doubt about it in my mind. ONF were done dirty, yea third is a good place but i so think they should've got second.  The more i see Golcha's performance the more i appreciate it, wow it was really beautiful and stood out from the rest of the crowd. TOO were great, like the others said they stepped it up a lot. I feel soo bad for Oneus, i honestly loved their performance and like Golcha it stood out as they went for a  different concept, not deserving of last. Verivery's song choice was a bit off i think, as a Starlight i wouldve loved to seen them cover a Vixx song, and with the concept they were going for it wouldve worked. 

Now onto Pentagon. I hate to be critical because i really do love Pentagon, ive been their fan for about 2 years now. But this stage just wasnt it. It might just be me but i didnt feel as engaged in it as i did with all the other performances. I appreciate the hard work and brilliant arrangement but it just felt a bit off, like i was watching a party, not taking part. Though i did like their Shine stage! SOO cute and i wish Jinho all the best in the military, it was a beautiful send off and i think they will place high again (maybe there will be a bit of a sympathy vote but i dont think Pentagon were relying on that)

Overall a good episode! Im really not looking forward to next week, the first elimination :( Im an ONF and Oh My Girl fan so to have Yooa as a guest in their stage will be awesome, i have a feeling were going to get some breathtaking performances from everyone!

Hello again! I was catching up with some dramas so I'm late LOL. My rankings below for the first official challenge:

  1. The Boyz
  2. TOO
  3. ONF
  4. Golden Child
  5. ONEUS
  6. Pentagon
  7. Verivery

I have almost the same opinion as you!! The Boyz also blew my mind. No doubt from start to finish of the performance I was smiling and in awe at the same time. So many creative parts and the choreography was fantastic. I felt so satisfied seeing them win again cause they deserve it. 

And instead of ONF like you said, I think TOO should've gotten second. I think one of the Pentagon members were rooting for them too (Jinho?) and I was like yasss I think they did amazing too. I feel bad for them cause they're rookies. 

BUT I think the rankings in the show were okay (except for 6th and 7th). Why? Because Pentagon are everyone's sunbaes and they've been in the industry for a while - they honestly should've been on Kingdom. So I get why the show and contestants are rooting for them to score high too. Not saying they should win but this is why I think they ranked higher despite the performance. (Which is why they got higher points and 2nd place - they're everyone's bias group LMAO). But I was disappointed with their performance. It looked like a weird party to me too. I thought I'd be the only one thinking this way, thank God.

The ranking I was most disappointed with was 6th and 7th. ONEUS definitely did better than Verivery. They didn't deserve last for their performance :( I also think Verivery should've done a Vixx song!

For the next challenge: Pentagon definitely did better this time!!! AHH. I liked their little gestures and the creative use of suitcases, it looked wonderful. So glad they went with Shine, a song that makes everyone happy. And then I teared up a bit too. And yeah they might get some sympathy votes cause of that but we'll see... TBH Hui's crying looked weird to me (sorry) but I'd look weirder if I cried anyways. Good luck to Jinho!!! <3 He seems so sweet.

All the performances look CRAZY next week. Like I'm craving them now. Can't wait to see the collab performance with onf x oh my girl's member too! Sorry for the rant.

TBH Hui's crying looked weird to me

omg i thought the same, it was a performance so maybe it was a bit exaggerated? or he was just so upset he couldnt hold it in? Aw it was very sweet though :)

Wow im happy im not the only one who has those opinions,  i was worried id get slated, especially for the Pentagon one! Next week everyone's going to go full out because of the elimination, its going to be amazing

Ohh you're right! maybe hui exaggerated a bit bc it was part of the performance! they make all their performances like a theatre play haha its cool

Same, I thought I'd get hated on for the pentagon one too loll 

ooh so thats why the preview looked crazy... cause of elimination... well can't wait to talk to u about the next ep next week!

For Me in the end it was;

  1.   The Boyz
  2. ONF
  3. TOO
  4. Golden Child
  5. Pentagon
  6. Oneus
  7. Verivery.

This was so hard though. I'm a Deobi and a ToMoon but seriously all 7 these bands have incredible skillsets it's insane. For me The Boyz deffinetly was the most mindblowing. Then again they all showed really good things though i still think Verivery shouldve chosen another song. 

Bruhhhh Pentagon's second performance broke me down so bad i just bawled my eyes out over and over, only for that i already want them to be Nr1 in the 2nd round without seeing the others lol.

One side i'm really Curious about the next performances, other side i just don't want to know as i really don't want any group to have to leave ;~~~~~;

This was so hard though. I'm a Deobi and a ToMoon but seriously all 7 these bands have incredible skillsets it's insane.

Exactly! You can tell they all work hard and I hope they'll all benefit from this show one way or another. Definitely gonna support all of them more after this show. Pentagon's performance definitely made me bawl my eyes out - I didn't want to admit that I actually cried a lot, more than just "tearing up" lol

I'm scared about next episode too cause it's gonna definitely gonna break my heart. I have to admit I'm liking this more than PD101!

wow our rankings are all pretty much the same! 

One side i'm really Curious about the next performances, other side i just don't want to know as i really don't want any group to have to leave

aw i know, i keep hoping it was a trick by mnet to try and make their perfomances better, and they'll reveal that it was a joke and theyre all staying! Next episode is going to be really emotional, we better get our tissues ready :(

Honestly i didn't even watch PD101 haha. 

But this one is with 2 of my favorite bands and i feel i might stan them all after this lol. 

I indeed hope it's a joke too but i don't think it is.. and i really don't want Oneus to have to leave so i'm kinda freaking out lol.