Drama series and variety shows are not the same thing, so they should not be under the same categorization. Like movies are not tv shows - drama and variety should also be listed as two different things.

As someone who really appreciate that we can keep track on our watching time and statistics, having drama series and variety shows under the same name messes things up. A variety show can continue for years with hundereds of episodes and in turn adds so much more screentime than what my drama-watching does. Mostly for variety show, people don't watch all the episodes, so the statistics turn out wrong.

PLEASE I'm begging you on my knees, change this.

Aoi Community Manager

Hi, they are not the same. Where do you see them as the same? If you are referring to your profile stats, then yes, it's something we need to change.


Hi, they are not the same. Where do you see them as the same? If you are referring to your profile stats, then yes, it's something we need to change.

Yes, it's the profile stats I mean! ^^