Hello guys! I am quite new here - well actually, I have been lurking for more than a year and have been making contributions a bit and I want to get into it more right now.
One thing I noticed, compared to a website I used to work for (anime database, not MAL) that there is no way for you to see what happened to your contributions you made. I would love to know if it was accepted or denied, if denied - why, and if there is any problem or question arising from the people in the MDL team, what it is that they want to know.
But most importantly, example:
I want to add a new actor AND a new drama. Both of them aren't on here yet. I can obviously add both on their own, apart and not linked to each other. But when I do this for many different actors, I will loose the overview and also I never get any confirmation if both that actor and that drama are now accepted and added into the database so I can go and add the relation (actor is main actor in that drama) afterwards.
Would be cool to have a little list somewhere on your profile or at least in your own settings somewhere. It doesn't need to be visible to the public and look pretty, just be functional.
Even a notification (that of course should be able to be turned off somewhere for people that don't care) that something was accepted or denied is plenty here.
Cheers, Neliel
Edit: I noticed now that if something is denied, you actually get a notification and private message with the reasoning. That's good. But doesn't fix most of the problem I address here.