One of my custom lists has counted an extra entry (drama) for the title count. The title count at the top says 169 but when I go and check at the bottom of the list there is only up to 168. It's not super annoying but it bothers me a bit that it says 99% Watched because of it even though I've seen every title on my list. I don't have this problem on any of my other lists, only one. This list is currently private but if there is a way to fix this that doesn't require me to make a completely new list then I will of course make the list public temporarily.

 I'm thankful for any help or advice.

Aoi Community Manager

Sometimes titles get deleted, so they will stay hidden for a while.


Sometimes titles get deleted, so they will stay hidden for a while.

Why would a title get deleted? And what do you mean with "for a while"? Will it come back or...? I have no idea what was deleted so I'm just curious what you mean.

 Silje Therese:

Why would a title get deleted? And what do you mean with "for a while"? Will it come back or...? I have no idea what was deleted so I'm just curious what you mean.

By deleted, it meant the title had been removed from the database. It can be for various reasons like being a duplicate or no longer allowed in mdl as per guidelines. When this happens, your custom list might not immediately update the numbers.


By deleted, it meant the title had been removed from the database. It can be for various reasons like being a duplicate or no longer allowed in mdl as per guidelines. When this happens, your custom list might not immediately update the numbers.

Ok I understand, thank you. It’s too bad tho that I don’t know what title is missing. Also it’s been like this for months now maybe even over half a year. I also assumed it would fix itself so I’m only asking now because it hasn’t.