Definitely stop giving a rat's ass about her ex no matter how much he provokes her. Be totally indifferent and not care about anything he does no matter how blood-curling. The more she engages with what he does, the more he likes it and gets off of it. Truly it takes passion to HATE someone which we see with Tae Oh - still completely in love with his wife to the point of maniac obsession. So Sun Woo - disengage. Move if you have to. South Korea is a big place. You will not lose anything - 99.9% of the people in Gosan are shit to you anyway. No one is a real friend. What will you lose? ALL THAT BAGGAGE. So start anew, friend.

Leave Gosan. I know it's like "why should I have to leave?" but she should think "I should leave because it'll be better for me." Plus all the toxic people can just be toxic to each other and then probably eventually destroy each other. She can just take no part in that. Plus, I feel like Joonyoung's classmates are senseless and he needs better friends anyway. I don't necessarily think she should force Tae Oh out of Joonyoung's life because Joonyoung is young and feels super conflicted about everything, instead, Joonyoung needs to mature and realize for himself what a piece of shit his father is. 

Honestly, a nice revenge story is great as a viewer but if I were Sun woo's friend, I would just want her to be happy and revenge isn't going to make her happy forever. 

Really you have divorced him, and got your son. Take a break, relax, move away from the neighborhood. Go to therapy with your son. And when you are comfortable, find someone new. 

Your son already told you why he doesn't feel connected to you, improve on that. Even though you divorced your husband, he is still his child. Regardless of his present feelings, he will remain attached to the father regardless. So let him meet when he wants to meet.