I asked ChatGPT to translate the Korean text to see if what Korean netizens are saying is true. And indeed…

I speak french, russian and spanish.
Spanish subtitles are exactly like english.

Both French and Russian subtitles are weird.

“Des frappes aériennes ont lieu sur Paltima, en Izmail.”
“Airstrikes are taking place on Paltima, in Izmail.”

Same translation in Russian.

I know Korean and I am currently studying too. when I saw several accounts have started making a drama here, I watched again and write down everything, I was wondering too, based on what I have learned about korean language it means " south Korean abducted by Izmaeil" ,too. Then I checked by google translate and I saw that there wasn't any problem with my language skill. The problem is with subtitle as it always was. Every time i watch a kdrama with netflix sub, I noticed their subtitles aren't accurate. But unfortunately there are always some people who don't believe the facts how much you explain to them. they want to stick to their own drama.

It wasn't mistranslated, I took what she said word by word and asked chat gpt too

Here's what I asked: "팔티마 공습이 이어지고 있는 이즈마엘에서한국인들이 무장 세력에게 납치됐습니다이에 정부는 외교부 본부에 재외국민 보호 대책 본부를 설치하고 협상 전문가 백유연 씨를 급파한다는 방침인데요 Explain in English, who's the bad guy here izmael or paltima"

I translated that in google and it said in izmael


It wasn't mistranslated, I took what she said word by word and asked chat gpt too

Here's what I asked: "팔티마 공습이 이어지고 있는 이즈마엘에서한국인들이 무장 세력에게 납치됐습니다이에 정부는 외교부 본부에 재외국민 보호 대책 본부를 설치하고 협상 전문가 백유연 씨를 급파한다는 방침인데요 Explain in English, who's the bad guy here izmael or paltima"

I translated that in google and it said in izmael

The speech was literally explained word by word by a native speaker down in the comments and even with direct word translation, where the word directly showed who is the bad guy - Izmael. Other than that other people who speak Korean - myself included - stated multiple times what the whole speech meant and who is branded as the bad country. If you can't believe actual humans, but an artificial machine like....the world is doomed LOL. 

Won't repeat myself, so here is the copy

 Badass Bunny:

The speech was literally explained word by word by a native speaker down in the comments and even with direct word translation, where the word directly showed who is the bad guy - Izmael. Other than that other people who speak Korean - myself included - stated multiple times what the whole speech meant and who is branded as the bad country. If you can't believe actual humans, but an artificial machine like....the world is doomed LOL. 

I hope you weren't rude in this response but it's ok you must've seen many comments. I want to clear myself too, first, I didn't see any comment by a korean person or by you, so I didn't ignore them, also the tread above me didn't show so I didn't see it, that's why I tried to search for what I could do (I wouldn't have done that if I saw it). Also, if I did believe blindly the translation I wouldn't search again and again because I'm the type to look from many sides before taking one, and I wanted someone to help me clear the absurdity in replies so I came here to discuss it, and there just were too many who said it was mistranslated so I wanted to make sure.

Idk if I expressed myself well but anyway thank you for the explanation I understand now 🙂 

  1. Respectfully it doesn't matter- NETFLIX WHO IS PART OF PRODUCTION aired these zi0nist subtitles. At the end of the day the subtitles were reviewed, accepted and published. There has been no apology despite the uproar
  1. Respectfully it doesn't matter- NETFLIX WHO IS PART OF PRODUCTION aired these zi0nist subtitles. At the end of the day the subtitles were reviewed, accepted and published. There has been no apology despite the uproar

You are absolutely right. But IMO the issue is 100% on netflix and not on showmakers. Netflix is a separate entity from MBC and Netflix is the one who subtitles. So 100% Netflix's fault, and I don't think we should unfairly blame the dramamakers for this and drop the ratings on purpose.

  1. Respectfully it doesn't matter- NETFLIX WHO IS PART OF PRODUCTION aired these zi0nist subtitles. At the end of the day the subtitles were reviewed, accepted and published. There has been no apology despite the uproar

Yes, thank you for saying this. The writers might not be at fault directly, but they chose to put this scene in and open all doors to chaos, that's 100% on them. Netflix is a deeply zi0nist entity. A few months ago, they removed 19 Palestine related movies/documentaries from the platform, removing all traces of Palestine from their platform. One of these documentaries included Tantura, a 2022 documentary which covers the original 1948 Nakba and has interviews of the then soldiers who committed heinous crimes against humanity when the Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their ancestral lands. The soldiers laugh about the things they did to women and children and show no remorse. Netflix chose to remove this very telling documentary about the context of the conflict in the middle of the genocide. That is what Netflix is as a platform. That they would completely distort the subtitles should come as very little surprise.  

Spanish subtitles are exactly like english.

It is my understanding that Netflix (an American company based in Silicon Valley) does not employ any Korean-to-Spanish translators. Netflix first translates the Korean into English, then translates the English into Spanish, German, Russian, …all the other languages.


It is my understanding that Netflix (an American company based in Silicon Valley) does not employ any Korean-to-Spanish translators. Netflix first translates the Korean into English, then translates the English into Spanish, German, Russian, …all the other languages.

Makes sense

Voy a decirte algo como persona que es Diseñadora Gráfica y también persona que entiende muy bien el coreano, de hecho no veo dramas subtitulados. En primer lugar chatGTP es una IA, la inteligencia artificial ha avanzado a un nivel abismal pero como se está desarrollando, suele equivocarse mucho en la información que te da, muchas veces se equivoca. No es lo mismo lo que te contesta una persona real, que tiene conocimientos y es nativa o habla muy bien otro idioma a que te hable una máquina.

 De hecho se ha debatido mucho sobre si las IA pueden servir como psicólogos y las respuestas de los expertos han dicho que es un NO rotundo. La inteligencia artificial no entiende las emociones humanas como un humano. 

Dicho esto, cuando vi el episodio no noté nada raro y ni siquiera sabía de esta polémica porque Netflix fue quien puso los subtítulos, en el idioma original no hay ninguna alusión a lo que hablas. Solo me di cuenta cuando probé los subtítulos. La cadena es independiente de Netflix, Netflix solo adquirió los derechos para transferirlo y traducirlo a varios idiomas, nada más. Quienes primero deberían disculparse son Netflix y no la cadena, ya que ellos no controlan si Netflix hace una buena traducción, a menos que sea un drama original de Netflix. 

Probablemente ni siquiera sepan de este problema, ya que los coreanos, al ser coreanos y no mencionar esto, ni siquiera estaban enterados. Fue el público internacional el que le dio visibilidad a este tema. Cuando se retrasaron los episodios no dieron una razón, y fue porque era un problema de la cadena y el drama tenía que enfrentar una situación muy difícil por la que atravesaba Corea en ese momento. Si la gente que estaba informada sobre lo que estaba sucediendo no hablaba de esto, nadie se hubiera enterado porque Netflix solo cambió las fechas sin una razón, aunque la producción sí salió a hablar y disculparse pero era una situación inevitable para ellos.

 Entonces la responsabilidad absoluta es de Netflix, ellos son los que deberían salir a disculparse y no la cadena de televisión porque ellos no controlan las medidas de pata que manda Netflix. 

Entiendo el descontento de la gente y como dije no me voy a poner en una discusión política que no me corresponde. Pero la gente tampoco ha sabido diferenciar este problema, que pasó de forma breve y esporádica y están siendo demasiado duros hasta con los actores que no tienen una vela en este funeral.

No se puede tirar por la borda todo el trabajo de drama y meter a gente inocente en esta cosa por alguna estupidez de Netflix. El mundo ya es demasiado caótico para que hagamos guerras sin sentido, peleando e insultando a los demás. Eso nunca va a resolver el problema. Atacar con violencia solo genera más violencia. Y no queremos esto ¿verdad? Cada vez que se toca este tema es un desastre para los usuarios. Por eso muchos de nosotros hemos optado por no hablar de este tema y disfrutar del drama. 

Si quieres una disculpa, dudo que la consigas. Netflix nunca suele disculparse y la cadena no puede asumir toda la responsabilidad de algo que no provocó. Al hacer esto, honestamente solo agravamos el problema. Es cierto, no es algo que debamos perdernos pero como Netflix pasa por donde vienen las quejas de los usuarios que pagan por el servicio, no recibiremos una disculpa por esto. Sabiendo esto, es mejor no hacer más grande el problema y te guste o no el drama. Los actores pusieron mucho esfuerzo y dedicación en ello. Es mejor dejar el tema aquí. De lo contrario, esto se convertirá en una discusión interminable donde nadie tiene la razón. 

Siempre lo he dicho, los extremos son malos y no conducen a nada más que conflictos y peleas interminables.