This is actually just a review to express my gratitude about the movie, I am not really have been a fan of bl series since now. I've watched different bl series and movie drama in 1 month everyday and this series is the second tear dropping drama I have watch. First was "The ambiguos Focus" which highlights break up same as the series here. But still, I liked the series because of the one actor here who make the movie really stunning "Mr. Tim Huang". I adore his acting skills since he portrayed it well. Not that I only liked him because of the ending and that I felt sad about him but because I was stunned by his aura who act it perfectly. Yes, I hate the other casts (the 2 main role HQ and YF) due to their cheating but I adore them also because they fight for their love. However, if I am going to describe their acting skills with Tim, it's really been different. Tim portrayed it well... I also feel YF about his being discreet about his status to his mom since I am also like him. I haven't told my mom about me being a bisexual.. Its really hard and him doing that thing to HQ is really brave. *I hope I can meet Tim Huang in person. I want to thank him about the movie because of his best portrayal, I have learned that life goes and that if you truly love the person, you will set him free even it will hurt you a lot. I have learned that lesson because of you and I learned to let go of my past just now. I am not really a fan of your for a long time. I have just seen your draam series last night and slept around 3 pm since I wanted to finish it. But even though I have not been fan of yours for a long time, I will look into more of your movies soon since you've became my second idol in the BL series. I have not got a lot of idols that's why I cherish it with all my heart. Thank you ♥️♥️❤️ =natsu (Philippines)