This is my first review on mydramalist, it may be bad as English is not my native language. First of all, I decided to watch it because Zanilia Zhao was casted as one of the main actress in this drama. The beginning was interesting and full of mystery but as the story continues Zanilia didn't really appear in some of the episodes which is disappointing to me, and the drama started to get boring ...maybe I have high hopes for this as I watch it after I watched The Journey Of Flower....Overall, this drama was disappointing to me as it's not as good as other wuxia dramas/films, there was a few times that I almost decided to drop it. The only reason that I continue watching it was their opening songs and music. The casting of characters are okay but it could improve.
Those who love wuxia/romance drama should watch this! This was my first Chinese drama as it was popular in China and Taiwan, so I decided to give it a try. I ended up watching all of the episodes in 3 days. The opening and ending of this drama are perfect including the lyrics! They are a few times/scenes that made me emotional/cried. It's really worth watching as I haven't watch as much episodes as other drama before! The acting in this drama are superb even though the CG effect are not good enough! Became a fan of Zanilia Zhao and Wallace Huo after watching this!
P.S: Please correct me if I have made a grammatical error, thanks!