Oh hello you wonderful creature!
Shortly about my relationship to Asian dramas is that those are something that I like very very much. It's my way to relax and forget stressful things.
I listed my favorites but they change faster than the weather. So many dramas has left a great impression on me.
I always ship the wrong couple (or "support role couple" more than "main couple")
I don't like it when people mix kdramas and kpop. Ofcourse many korean singers are also amazing actors/actresses but I personally cannot say that I'm a kpop fan. I used to be crazy kpop fan but somehow I lost my interest in kpop...
...but not in kdramas. I'll probably watch kdramas when I'm old and grumpy (now I'm just grumpy, lol).
The drama watching moods;
weheartit @Wint3Child
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