I appreciated the first episode because it sets up the groundwork for the rest of the series. Introduces the characters in smooth enough ways that you can understand them and their intentions, but not to the point that they're giving us too much information to handle. Overall it was a very well done introductory episode.
This episode mainly focused on the world building between the characters and started to give a good understanding of the overall story conflict.But I felt very cheated as the teaser for episode 3 is almost the same as the teaser for episode 2. I feel that a teaser for an episode means that the episode will include those contents. Meaning I was expecting the fired employee to bring out the knife in this episode. Obviously he did not, or else I wouldn't be making this comment.
I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. It gave what it promised in the teaser and I came out of the episode very fulfilled with how the episode had played out. It might just be because I don't really like introductory episodes but I did enjoy the first actual plot episode.