Both feature a struggling musician who falls in love with a younger girl through music. The Liar and his Lover (kdrama) depicts the forbidden relationship between a famous musician and an aspiring singer high schooler, but it has a much lighter tone than the original jmovie. Fight Song is more about two people who’ve been depressed finding each other, discovering new beginnings and falling in love for the first time.
Both feature a struggling musician who falls in love with a younger girl through music. The Liar and his Lover is more dramatic and talks about dealing with fame/forbidden love, while Fight Song is more about two people who’ve been having difficulties in life discovering new beginnings and falling in love for the first time.
Similar vibes, younger guy a bit lost in life falls for a competent working woman that helps him find his way, while he also comforts her, also in both there’s a bit of a love triangle with a coworker that seems to be a socially more “acceptable” person for the FL + young Johnny’s ikemen haha
My two favorite dramas, both portray the relationship of a particular girl and a lonely man, with a mixture of sweet and heartbreaking moments. Kou Kou shows way more the cruel reality of life, while Goblin is a fantasy, but both have amazingly strong and well delivered plots.