Each episode moves you closer to heaven
The series let's us explore life through the eyes of dying/dead people, who are unable to tell lies. We get to see the facts, and if you wish to do so, you get uplifted. The leitmotiv is thus very different from a rom-com (there are hints throughout, but little development, leaving it to the viewer to hope for more, again uplifting you), or a standard drama.
Though there is no direct reference to it, this series is akin to Dante's Purgatory, the second part of his masterpiece, the Divine Comedy. A soul having seen the worst in hell, is now climbing to heaven amidst other climbers, until he is "puro e disposto a salire alle stelle", in such a state that he can reach to enter heaven.
Though there is no direct reference to it, this series is akin to Dante's Purgatory, the second part of his masterpiece, the Divine Comedy. A soul having seen the worst in hell, is now climbing to heaven amidst other climbers, until he is "puro e disposto a salire alle stelle", in such a state that he can reach to enter heaven.
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