May 25, 2012

I was right!

I gave it a 10 b/c I was right. Yong Tae Yong wakes up & remembers Lee Kak's past. He was waiting for her all along. I am glad this was a happy ending even though it was a little cheesy. I still liked it. After the emotional roller-coaster I had w/ drama's this wk, I am glad this 1 didn't let me down w/ a bad ending. I can take a little cheese, I mean it has always had that quality to it b/c of the type of comedy that went on. But it still left u w/ a good feeling. Yay, another happy ending!
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May 25, 2012

Super cute!

This episode had lots of little cute moments along with plenty of plot development. (Some of those developments have me worried... Nobody better die!) I think it was just barely not quite as good as the last episode (I don't know how they're going to top that KISS), but I'm still really enjoying it. Can't wait to see what happens next!
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May 25, 2012

At Least 1 drama this wk worked out, so far!

I am just happy that it worked out, but I don't rly think they could have ended that badly & not be like totally criticized for it. Rly a war b/t those 2 right now, even in a drama: nope don't think it would happen. I am glad that every1 was happy, but sad @ the same time b/c Si Kyung wasn't there. I am glad that all the tears I let go of yesterday were not in vain. Yay, happy ending!
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May 25, 2012

signing off

so it ended...

oh i really love this drama. the final epi got me disappointed in some ways but its totality; the plot, the cliffhanger tension building up in every episode, the North-South conflict, power struggle, JaeHa-HangAh and Shi Kyung-JaeShin love story... i can say we bid goodbye to such a good drama. the myriad of emotions; I laughed, I cried, I seethed, I swooned, I got annoyed, and in the end, I smiled in sad contentment to see TK2H sign off with such satisfying sweetness.

I admit I was expecting something more surprising or ?phenomenal? or bringing back ShiKyung to life.. Unfortunately, the writers have to be unfair with Jae Shin. I also wish Bong Goo dead or a more bitter revenge for the royal family and give him a dose of his own medicine.

but all's well that ends well. Jae Ha and Hang Ah's happy ever after, my heart melts to see the little crown prince with a North Korean accent... our little Jae Ha. the ending was satisfying seeing Jae Ha and Hang Ah comes hand in hand in whatever struggle that may come their way that would test their love and loyalty for each other.

signing off but K2H indeed made a mark in kdrama history!

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May 24, 2012

I'm sad that our journey comes to an end.

First, I get that Jae Ha and Hang Ah's relationship pretty much flows with the drama as the South and North relationship still ticks me off. I get tired of them putting their love on the line for politics and war.

Second, when Jae Ha is walking down the hall toward the meeting place for the South and North, all I could think about was that Si Kang wasn't by his side. It made me sad.

I think it is a genius plan for them to get married. If Korea is coming together, then America will look bad by bombing a nation that is trying to work toward peace. Plus, they never did ask North Korea if they were really involved in the American terrorist attack.

Hang Ah holding a gun to Jae Ha was like her way of saying...oh, hell no am I living in this world without you. I'll do the shooting that way I can go with you to the next life. I LOVED IT!!! I'm so glad that I got to see them married and with a son!!! Hang Ah's father is awesome in this drama.

Seeing the WOC team together without Si Kyung was bitter sweet and watching Jae Sin talk to Si Kyung about her future was sad, but I felt relieved that she will be ok and move on.

I do wish Kim Bong Goo had gotton shot instead of Si Kyung and that had been the end of it, but life in prison is good too.

I love that they are working together to fullfill the late king's dream.

It is a beautiful ending to a exceptional drama!!!

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May 24, 2012

I cried..

In my oppinion it was illogical for Se Na to become the "good" one.. I didn't like that solution. Of course I'm happy, but she did way too many bad things .. if she had a heart now, then why she didn't have it before..

But the ending of this episode was soo sad.. sweet but sad..

I'm just glad it's not the last episode yet..

I'm hoping there will be some unexpected ending twist.. some questions also unanswered I'm looking forward to it ,)
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May 24, 2012


BEST END EVER. i couldn't imagine better!
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May 24, 2012

Confusing but interesting!

I haven't read the manga nor watched the anime, so it's very new to me. however, the first episode really leaves a lot of gaps open, which im sure it's supposed to do. That being said, I actually found the first episode VERY interesting. I'll continue watching this and hopefully more of the questions get answered.
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Hero Episode 1
2 people found this review helpful
May 24, 2012

Why don't they just shoot?

The first episode was full action and that was nice, but there were so many "WTF?!?!? moments" and not the good kind that surprise you and leave you in awe.

Like why are they emptying rounds on each other without a care for the innocent bystanders and then when they have very, very open and clear shots, they don't shoot.

Also, if she's kicking the crap out of the baddie, why the heck does she stop the hand on hand combat to grab her gun, reload it, while the guy runs away from her?

Why is she standing just shooting still while the other bad guy, who by the way in the opening scene I thought looked cool (I have a thing for baddies, dressed in black and who know the walk...sue, is backing a truck at high speed directly where she is? I wouldn't be amazed if the truck was bulletproof. and does she think she's wonder woman?

Why would she tell a boy, who she just got back and important key witness to top it all off, to go ahead and wait for her downstairs? Why? Does she even have a brain? lol

But I'm suspending my disbelief and trying to enjoy the show...I really

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May 24, 2012

that's so sad

I wish you could wish someone dead..( there are people:))

Young people are so gullible.. well they are seeing a phantom so I guess it's reasonable for them to believe she can kill people. And yes this seems similar to Death Note.
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May 24, 2012


I confess I approached the drama with a mixture of excitement and fright and this resulted in a sigh of small, mostly happy but a bit regretful relief. Seriously, this drama made me think back on TPM. However, I am yet to watch it with subs so I may have not appreciated all the nuances...but I just had t watch it...this is the pull this drama had.

Aww...well what can I say? Whilst still recovering from the loss of a beloved character, this ending does lose its impetus for me and seems to lack something that defined the rest of the drama, it's just very ordinary and does not seem like enough, especially for a crazed madman like Bong Gu...

I am a bit disaapointed in the way the last episode has been handled, it felt a bit empty, but I am relieved that it offered aalso a happy resolution, though bitter sweet, (which IS fitting in series such as this one, because it would flatten it down if we had completely perfect sweet happy endings, it ould take from the meaning o some things just have to be accepted, imho) and also there is a scene which looks like it offers a bit of comfort to our poor princess, which I thought was a nice touch too at the very least. What it is for the princess is a fond memory and I suppose she will be all right, but that still doesnt seem to ease my heartache. I blame the writers ad the actors for creating such a completely endearing character as ESG However, the fact that they DO show the princess coming to terms is a big plus for the dram as it offers continuity and ties up lose ends.

Well, we can't have it all, and it was still pretty generous, surprisingly generous- I was starting to expect the wors after yesterday, envisioning Romeo and Juliet like scenarios or else scenarios from some tragic am happy mostly. The drama was in the end very rewarding to watch.

Because this drama is definitely one of my top favourites. It had it all the way I liked it: good family relationship, great friendship. loyal friendship, understated and sad romance, happy romance...everything. Very good writing by the sister. Well produced...this drama is very appealing due to setting, beautiful costumes and good plot.

AS very highly recommended drama!

And now excuse me, I shall really go back reminisce our ESG some more. He will be one of my top favourte characters written for a drama.

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May 24, 2012


I really dont know where this story is going and I LOVE IT! The date they had was just the cutest. I am going to die from sweetness overload! But I got a really bad feeling when Boong Do got annoyed at Hee Jin when he thought she threw away the talisman. This couple should never feel anything other than happiness. The telephone box scene was so touching...Dying to know what will happen in the next episode!! It's driving me insane...
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May 24, 2012

dugeun dugeun dugeun!!!!

thats all I could hear when I watching this episode. I had the hugest smile and heart was pounding for them! Best drama and best couple! Never fails to exceed my expectations, the kiss was just extraordinary! Didnt see it coming! Love how you can guess what will happen next!
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He finally knows...

I'm so glad he finally found out.. can't wait for the next episode.

I didn't like that kiss in the airport - it pissed me off.. why kiss him instead of telling him that you're a girl first.. it really pissed me off.. but it was made up by the ending.. Woo Hyun didn't have to suffer for too long.(I mean after the kiss.. all together he has suffered enough even more than needed ) I just hope he can forgive her for lying soon too.. -.-
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May 24, 2012

THAT KISS !!!!!! O.O

Okey, this ep was ridiculously awesome!!! o.o

The end totally blew me off my seat, perfect ending T.T ...wau~

i luv this show +_+
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